"AI for Game Developers" by David M. Bourg and Glenn Seemann-AHP provides a comprehensive guide for game developers to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into their creations. Covering essential concepts, algorithms,...
"Architecture Patterns with Python," co-authored by Harry Percival and Bob Gregory, is a groundbreaking exploration of architectural design principles in Python software development. In this inaugural edition, Percival and Gregory...
"Building Micro-Frontends: Scaling Teams and Projects, Empowering Developers" by Luca Mezzalira is a groundbreaking exploration into the world of micro-frontends, offering invaluable insights for teams and developers navigating the complexities...
In "Building Microservices: Designing Fine Grained Systems," Sam Newman delves into the intricacies of architecting and implementing microservices, a paradigm that has revolutionized how modern applications are built and scaled....
"Computer Networks Performance And Quality Of Service" by Ivan Marsic provides a thorough exploration of the fundamental principles, challenges, and solutions related to optimizing the performance and quality of service...
Convex optimization and Euclidean distance geometry, as elucidated by Jon Dattorro, converge at the intersection of mathematical elegance and practical applicability. Dattorro's work explores the optimization of convex functions within...
In "Fundamentals Of Software Architecture: An Engineering Approach," Mark Richards and Neal Ford delve deep into the essential principles and practices that define effective software architecture. With decades of combined...
"Machine Learning Yearning" by Andrew Ng is an insightful and practical guide designed to help engineers and machine learning practitioners build successful AI projects. Drawing on his extensive experience in...
In "Monolith to Microservices: Evolutionary Patterns to Transform Your Monolith" by Sam Newman, readers are guided through a comprehensive journey of modernizing software architecture from monolithic systems to microservices. Newman,...
Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers 2nd Edition by Barry Wilkinson and Michael Allen provides a comprehensive overview of parallel programming techniques and their applications...
"The Practice of System and Network Administration: DevOps and other Best Practices for Enterprise IT, Volume 1, 3rd Edition" by Thomas Limoncelli, Christina Hogan, and Strata Chalup This third edition...
"The E Myth Revisited" by Michael E. Gerber explores the entrepreneurial myth and offers insights into building a successful business through systems and processes. Gerber dispels the common misconceptions about...